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What do you mean by Third Place?

For most people, there are two necessary places: Work and Home. But for long-term happiness and self-fulfillment, as well as a variety of other reasons, it's best to have a third place that's not necessarily related to either of those other two. Nowadays, the vast majority of physical third places are corrupted by capitalist interests, and as a result, they expect you to either pay money to enter or to continue paying in order to continue existing in that place. This is one of the worst things that capitalism has stolen from us. Humans are communal and operate best in tribes and communities of individuals, whether like-minded or otherwise. Having a barrier to entry for basic community is no way to live. So for the time being, we can at least retreat into Cyberspace. Sadly, much of the internet has also been colonised by corporations and algorithms whose sole purpose is to maximise what they can get out of you. This can be attention, money, personal data, or other things. Creating these spaces is our way to fight back.

Here's how you can make bold and italic text.

Here's how you can add an image:

There should be a link here.

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